Monday, 6 October 2008

To import or not to import!

Hello everyone,

Have you ever thot "where will I get my wedding gown from"? or "hmm I have to get my gown in america or united kingdom"? I am sure a lot of people have had this thought at one point in time or the other, but some have been lucky to be able to afford such gowns while others have not.

Why do we want to import? - I think is so we can have a wider variety to choose from - afterall it is the most important item on the most important day of our lives, so we need to look our absolute best.

Well I do agree, however I think the bridal shops need to begin to step up their game, get us lovely choices at better prices. If they can be found in America, Uk then they should be available in Nigeria too.

Bridal shops, this question is to you - What arey ou doing to give us better services in a large variety of wedding gowns but not at exhornitant prices?

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